Oct 7, 2011

Be Amazed!!

This past Sunday we headed off to church. Church isn't something we just do, though we do "do it." The church is what we are. It's God's spirit in a believer. Hard to grasp when you've never heard the concept, never heard the name of Jesus. I had not heard about Jesus until I was 19 years old.  But, I knew about God, thanks to my mom. When I was five, she said one day, that there is a God and he sees all I do. Good and bad. That stuck. 

For the sake of eternity and a relationship with God, knowing the name of Jesus is most important. But, there are a lot of folks these days who don't even really know there is a God, a creator. He has been far removed from their thinking. 

People believe they are self sufficient, yet they don't have peace.  They look for God when things get bad, when tragedy strikes. That reaction is built into us as HIS creation. Like a  child running to a father for help, a man in desperate situation will instinctively cry out, "Oh God! Help me!"  Our creator has filled the earth with wonderful things to draw us into a relationship with him. Things that fill our hearts with amazement if you let them, and cause us to worship Him. 

                                                    When one looks at creation... 

Things like this...

And this...

And this...

And this...


And also...

And even...

We can scarcely think that there is not a creator!! A massive battleship in the ocean would lead any sane person to think that someone designed it to float, to protect, to war. Yet so many look at the creatures and beauty all around and miss it.

You are using your hands to type at the keyboard, your eyes to see, your brain to think. How marvelous and powerful the creator of all of this is! Intellectualism stifles faith. Don't over think it. Look around and be thankful. Learn about Him. Ask Him to show you. And He will. 

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.  Praise ye the LORD. 
Psalm 150-6

I close with this...  
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.   
Psalms 19:1b 

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